Description: Training is the main method to improve your players and team. Each day you may train a player a certain number of times.


Training Screen
Training Multiple Players
Maximum Training's Per Day
Injured Players
Training Success and Failure

Related Topics

Player Potential
Player Contracts

Training Screen: When you first click on training and enter the training screen, you see a table. The player names (with other information) are down the left side of the table. The skills are across the top of the table and each represent a column in the table. Most of the relevant player screen information is included here. In the left most column, which starts with the player name, owners can see (in order):

Name - The name of the player
Overall Potential - A colored +, * or -.
Overall Skill Potential Gap - A colored H, M, or L.
Age - The number of years old the player is.
Position - The position(s) the player plays. If this is red, he is a starter.
Injury Days - The number of days a player is injured for. An injured player is not allowed to be trained.

On the second line:

Length of Current Contract - The number of years remaining (after this one) in a player's contract.
Salary Per Season of Current Contract - The amount of money (per season) that the player makes.
Contract Satisfaction - A colored letter between A and F. It is the current contract satisfaction of the player.

Under each skill there are a number of items for each player. When you first come into the training screen you will see, under each skill, the following fields (in order):

Skill Level - This is the numerical representation of the number of basketballs a player has in the player screen for that skill. For example, if someone had two and a half basketballs in offense on the player screen, you would see a 2.5 here.
Attribute Potential Gap - This is an optional field. If you employ a trainer, and his evaluation strength is in this skill, you will see a colored letter, H, M or L.
Checkboxes - A number of checkboxes equal to the number of times you can still train a player that day. Checking one or both of the boxes and clicking on the Train button will train all of the players checked in those skills.

On the second line:

Cost - The cost to train the next point of that skill. Please note that if you choose to train two or more points, and the price changes between training's, you will be charged the higher rate.

There is a key at the bottom of the training screen that helps you to decipher many of these fields.

Training Multiple Players: The training screen allows a team to train as many players as they can (or want to) at once. This saves time and effort when dealing with a large number of training's each day. As mentioned in the Training Screen section an owner may check multiple boxes under multiple players. In fact, a team could train every player at once. To train multiple players, choose a player to train, check the boxes of the skills you wish to train. Remember if a team wants to train a skill twice, they have to check both boxes. The same applies for additional training's. It is important to note that a team may only train a player the number of times that he has boxes under ONE skill. For example, a player has two check boxes under each skill. The team may train that player twice. The training may be one in offense, one in defense, two in shooting or any other combination of two training's. If an owner, however, checks 5 boxes for that one player, only the first two from left to right will be honored. In other words, if a team checks two offense boxes, one defense box, and two injury boxes, only the two offense points will be trained. Since each player is allowed two training's, although the two offenses were trained on the first player, the second player on the roster would have two training's left.

Maximum Training's Per Day: The maximum number of player training's per day is league specific. The exact number, therefore, may vary from league to league. The default in most leagues is two. Players in most leagues may be trained twice per day (a day is the time from nightly events one day to nightly events the other - since Simgalaxy is an international site, 12 midnight is not the time where the game changes to a new day). Once you have trained a player twice, he will no longer have the checkboxes available.

Injured Players: Injured players may not be trained. They are resting from their injuries and are not working out with the team to improve their skills. Any player who is injured will not have the checkboxes available.

Results: Every time a player is trained they either increase in skill (success) or they stay the same (failure). The owner of the team is not always aware of exactly what happened. There are three letter results that an owner will get immediately after training players, a color coded S, F or question mark (please remember that these letters are only available immediately after an owner clicks on "Train" and return to the training screen. Every skill that was trained should display one of these three letters. An S means that there was a success, the staff realized it, and the player definitely went up in skill. An F means that the staff is sure that they didn't notice an improvement in the player's skill. A question mark means that the staff isn't sure if the player went up or not in skill. When a team gets a question mark, that means something happened, but, the staff just doesn't know what it is. Normally, teams have a 25% chance of realizing that there was an success or failure. So, you can assume that you will see an S or an F roughly 25% of the time. The rest of the time you are going to get a question mark. If a team employs a trainer, that realization rate goes up to 40%, so, they will see an S or an F roughly 40% of the time if they have a trainer and the question mark about 60% of the time. This has absolutely no bearing on success or failure rates, it is only the display of the results.

Training Success and Failure: As a player becomes more and more skilled, they are able to learn less and less when they are trained. At first, when they are poor in a skill, training often results in successes (provided they have enough potential to be successful). This success rate decreases as the player gets better. When a player is at or below 1.5 basketballs in skill, they have roughly a 70% chance to increase in skill when trained. When that same player gets to the 3.5-4.0 basketball level or higher, they have about a 30% chance to succeed in training. Between those two levels, players will steadily decrease in success rates. Of course these percentages are effected by various outside forces, including trainers.