Description: The full press (or Full Court Press) is a taxing defense that applies pressure to the opposing team for the entire length of the court. This is in an effort to tire them and cause turnovers.


Good Against
Player Fatigue
Game Pace

Sample: None available.

Good Against: Penetrate Offense ; Isolation Offense ; Spread Offense

Player Fatigue: High

Rebounding: Low

Shooting: The full press does not strive to key on certain players, therefore, it shouldn't effect one player's shot totals over another. The exception is that players will often reduce the number of shots they take when covered by a good defender. This certainly applies in the full press.

Game Pace: Fast

Comments: Be careful what situations you use the full press in. Using the full court press in major game situations may have an adverse effect on your team's performance, in addition, players will fatigue very quick and you will be forced to substitute many of your bench players.