Description: Promotional events are one game giveaways or other special days that draw extra fans. The Promotion section allows you to buy a promotional event for your next home game. Promotional events are one time giveaway nights that attract more fans to your game and allow you to charge a little more for tickets. Buying an event will effect only your next home game. You will have to buy a promotional event for each home game if you wish to run one. You may not buy promotional events beyond your next home game.


Buying Promotions
Promotion Duration
Promotion Strategy
The Benefits of Promotions

Buying Promotions: The promotion screen displays a drop down box which contains all the promotional options for your next home game. Selecting an option from the drop down list and clicking on "Buy" will purchase and list the promotional event for your next home game.

Promotion Duration: Promotions are for one game only. You may buy a promotion for your next home game. You may not buy promotions for games beyond that.

Promotional Strategy: Although promotions can be expensive, they can also boost your attendance and the amount of money you can charge for tickets. Different promotional events fit different venue sizes better. A team with a 500 seat venue may not be able to profit from running the Nachos Grande Day for $1,000,000. A team with a 50,000 seat venue, however, might reap dividends by buying the Nachos Grande Day. The exact promotional events that fit the economic situation of your team vary and will have to be experimented with. Buying promotions, however, can help your team to overcome some detractions like a poor record, low fame or a poor opponent.

The Benefits of Promotions: As mentioned in the Promotional Strategy section a promotional event gives you a one game boost in attendance by offering the fans something extra for coming to the game. It is important, however, to not outstrip your means and to find the promotional event that is right for you and the size of your stadium. There is a limit to how much people will pay for tickets to a basketball game, and you as the owner of the franchise have to realize that. Spending an incredible amount of money on a promotional event when you can only seat a few people in your stadium may be unwise.